Friday, March 16, 2012

2012 Tomato Varieties

Here is a list of the varieties I have available this year. It is highly possible I will sell out of certain types, so let me know soon if you are interested (email with preorder). These will be ready at the end of March...perfect time for planting here in the lowcountry! Happy gardening!

Black Krim
Dagma's Perfection
Yasha Yugoslavian - SOLD OUT!
Black Plum - SOLD OUT!
Celebrity - SOLD OUT!
Green Zebra
Chocolate Cherry
Beefy Boy
Agro - SOLD OUT!
Cherokee Purple
Chocolate Stripes - SOLD OUT!
Brandywine Red - SOLD OUT!
Tumbling Tom
Sweet 'N' Neat

Black Krim - SOLD OUT!
Black Krim

Days: 75
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Purple-Black
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Heirloom
Description (aka Black Crimson and Black Crim) Originally from the
Isle of Krim on the Black Sea in the former Soviet Union. This rare, and
outstanding tomato yields 3-4" slightly flattened dark-red (mahogany-colored)
slightly maroon, beefsteak tomatoes with deep green shoulders. Green gel around
seeds. Fantastic, intense, slightly salty taste (which is great for those not
wanting to add salt to their tomatoes). Also suitable for container/patio
garden. Perfect choice for slicing, salads and cooking.

Dagma's Perfection


Days: 73
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Bi-Colored
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Heirloom
Description A vigorous and abundant producer of medium-sized (12 oz.), slightly flattened, pale-yellow fruits with delicate, light red striping. Deliciously flavorful with overtones of tropical fruit and subtle hints of lime. Firm, juicy and elegant in the mouth, and jewel-like in appearance.

Yasha Yugoslavian

Days: 85
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Pink
Season: Late-Season
Type: Heirloom
Description Seeds for heirloom tomato, Yasha Yugoslavian, were given to Dr. Carolyn Male by Yasha Crnkovic, who obtained them from relatives in the Vojvod area of Yugoslavia. TomatoFest organic tomato seeds produce vigorous, indeterminate, regular-leaf tomato plants that yield large amounts of extra-large, 1-2 pound, heart-shaped, pink beefsteak tomatoes that are full-flavored, deliciously juicy . A crack-resistant tomato variety. A great tomato for eating fresh in salads or sliced thick for sandwiches.

Black Plum

Days: 82
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Cherry
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Heirloom
Description One of my favorite Russian varieties that produces a long and steady crop of 2-inch elongated plum-shaped fruits colored a beautiful deep-mahogany with dusky-green shoulders. Fruit resembles a small paste tomato but with thinner walls. Unique sweet tangy flavor.

Black Krim

Days: 75
Size: Determinate
Color: Red
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Hybrid
An AAS winner and long-time favorite, Celebrity is a superior
all-around tomato with such fantastic disease resistance you can put away the
sprays and soaps for good! These determinate plants are exceptionally strong,
bearing masses of smooth, round, bright red tomatoes. Weighing about 8 ounces,
they're very uniform (no green shoulders here!) and resist cracking.

The plant is resistant to or tolerant of the following tomato diseases:
Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt races 1 and 2, Nematodes, and Tobacco Mosaic
Black Krim

Days: 75
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Green
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Heirloom
This zany looking tomato has a sweet yet zingy taste. Beautiful in appearance
and loaded with flavor they are scrumptious! These smaller 2 to 4oz fruits have
an excellent tomato flavor and grow like crazy!

Chocolate Cherry

Black Krim

Days: 70
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Brown/Purple
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Heirloom
Unique Chocolate Color and Rich Tangy Flavor. Chocolate Cherry is so much more
than a pretty face! These 1-inch beauties boast the most flavorful tomato tang
in the family, from their delicious thin skins to their combinations of gels and
solids, sweets and meats, in every bite. Appearing in clusters of 8 all over
this compact vining plant, these miniatures ripen delectably from green to
lavender to richest mahogany. They have a fresh-grown flavor and texture no
store-bought variety can equal, from their rich fragrance to that great bite as
they are popped whole into your mouth or scattered on salads. Truly a gourmet
variety, they keep coming all summer! To make the most of this flavor, you may
want to harvest these tomatoes a day or two before they are fully ripe and let
them bake in the sunshine of a kitchen window. This prevents cracking and theft
from birds, who also find them irresistible, and assures that each Chocolate
Cherry reaches its peak of flavor. There's nothing to compare in the cherry
tomato family! This plant reaches 5 to 6 feet high and about 3 feet wide,
sometimes continuing to grow and set new fruit into autumn. It might just do for
a large container, and should certainly be front and center in the vegetable
garden. You MUST try this gourmet delight!

Beefy Boy

Black Krim

Days: 70
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Red
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Hybrid
Hearty Flavor, Mammoth Yields, and Extra-Large Beefsteak Size! 12- to 16-ounce
fruits are jammed with sweet, meaty flavor -- more solids and less gel than most
tomatoes of this size. Everything about Beefy Boy is larger-than-life, from its
succulent flavor to its generous yields! Bred specifically for maximum flavor,
the taste is sweet yet meaty, with more solids and less gel than other
varieties, despite its walloping 12- to 16-ounce size. This is the tomato you
must grow this year for fresh tomato sandwiches and salads! And because the
vines are indetermine, production is quite heavy. Yet the short internodes
between the fruit mean a more manageable, space-saving plant for the home garden
-- you won't be desperately staking and re-staking a runaway vine with Beefy
Boy! Superior disease protection, too -- Beefy Boy is tolerant of Stemphylium
and resistant to Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt races 1 and 2, and Tobacco
Mosaic Virus. On top of all that, the globe-shaped tomatoes are gorgeous, with
deep red skin and smooth shoulders (thanks to uniform ripening). Cage or stake
this main-season variety to support all of its bounty!

Black Krim

Days: 95
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Red
Season: Late-Season
Type: Hybrid
Firm fruit won't crack, and grows very uniform in size for easier cooking. When
it's time to make tomato paste, what you want is armloads of ripe, delicious
fruit, all about the same size so they will cook down evenly. That's what you
get with this new variety from Germany -- masses of plump, firm, bright red
fruit full of flavorful solids and fewer gels, for a very long season of
harvest. Agro Hybrid is a San Marzano type, with firm-skinned fruit that won't
crack or burst on the plant. This is the type of Tomato for which the Mt.
Vesuvius region of Italy is famous, and the sauces and pastes it makes are
renowned for their full, tangy flavor. When it's time for authentic Neopolitan
cuisine, rely on Agro! A very heavy producer all season, this is the cook's best
friend. It is highly adaptable to different climates, and a dependable performer
in all. Give it a try this season!


Black Krim

Days: 85-90
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Red/Yellow/Orange/Gold
Season: Late-Season
Type: Heirloom
The Best-Tasting Heirloom! This beefsteak type weighs up to 2 pounds. Pineapple
is a beefsteak type with huge yellow-gold fruit often striped in red and
boasting fewer seeds and more solids, for an extra bite or two in every Tomato.
Very high-yielding, this colossal Tomato is as fascinating to look at as it is
delicious to eat. It has a strong Tomato aroma and fruity aftertaste, for a
'real tomato' experience you just can't find with today's less robust,
milder-tasting hybrids! Enjoy this memento of the past, recreated in your own

Cherokee Purple

Black Krim

Days: 75
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Red/Green/Purple/Orange
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Heirloom
Deep Violet Color, Intense Rich Flavor. Believed to have originated in the
Cherokee Nation in Tennessee more than a century ago. A beloved heirloom as
valuable for its flavor as it is for its unusual look, Cherokee Purple sets
giant beefsteaks weighing about a pound and filled with intense violet-purple
hues. This is a true legacy plant, believed to have originated more than 120
years ago in the Cherokee nation in Tennessee. The vining plant is very
heavy-bearing, and each of these tomatoes is a masterpiece of color, flavor, and
history. Do not miss this valuable fruit from the American past. Slightly ridged
and very symmetrically shaped, these tomatoes combine juiciness with a strong
tomato tang, the type unknown to those rock-hard supermarket varieties. They may
need some support as they mature on the plant, their massive weight pulling them
downwards. Stake this vigorous plant well and then offer a little extra help to
bring in its crop of giants! Cherokee Purple is indeterminate, so it keeps
growing and setting new fruit all summer long. You will find it very easy to
grow and heavy-bearing. For extra-large tomatoes, remove all but a few flowers,
so the plant can concentrate its energy into fewer fruit. For our part, we like
Cherokee Purple so much that more is merrier!

Chocolate Stripes
Black Krim

Days: 79
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Bi-colored
Season: Late-Season
Type: Open
Our plants that yield a plentiful crop of 3-4 inch, mahogany colored with dark,
olive green-striping (similar to black zebra). Fruits have delicious, complex,
rich, sweet, earthy tomato flavors. Chocolate Stripe, another desirable 'black
tomato," is an excellent tomato and a fine choice for your tomato garden.
Produces well into the autumn A great sandwich tomato and salad tomato.

Brandywine - Red
Black Krim

Days: 80
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Red
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Heirloom
The Classic Heirloom -- Big, Delicious Fruit! Indeterminate vines bear heavily
over a long season. Indeterminate. This is an heirloom that really looks like it
was developed and grown long ago. Bearing little resemblance to bland, smooth,
evenly red modern hybrids, Brandywine delights with big, uneven fruit, deeply
lobed and not at all "uniform"! All the better for the flavor, of course!
Brandywine is a favorite among connoisseurs of classic tomatoes. The plants are
indeterminate, for good yields over a long season. The fruit is surprisingly
large -- 12 ounces or more -- and no two will look exactly alike.
Attention-getting, distinctive, and tried-and-true, Brandywine is truly a

Tumbling Tom

Black Krim

Days: 70
Size: Determinate
Color: Red
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Hybrid Cherry
Pretty to Look at AND Good to Eat! Weeping habit trails 2 feet from baskets and
tubs! No more staking, stooping, and searching for Tomatoes in the garden --
Tumbling Tom puts big handfuls of luscious Cherries right at eye level! This
lovely "edible ornamental" is just perfect for hanging baskets, windowboxes, and
tall containers where you want to show off the color and vigor of your favorite
Tomato! This plant has a weeping habit, so it dangles about 2 feet over the
sides of containers, for all the world as pretty as any spreading Petunia! First
it sets attractive white blooms, then masses of small, bright red 1- to 2-inch
round fruits. Grow it just as you would any other Tomato, but don't worry about
stakes, cages, root nematode, and other pests of the soil! Tumbling Tom is above
it all! A great choice for small space gardens (where it can hang above the
"ground" Tomatoes!), urban balconies, and any other bright sunny setting,
Tumbling Tom is well-branched, about 6 to 8 inches wide, and vigorously
productive. Plant 2 or 3 in a 10- or 12-inch basket and you'll be rolling in
Tomatoes before you know it!

Sweet N' Neat Scarlet

Black Krim

Days: 60
Size: Determinate
Color: Red
Season: Early-Season
Type: Hybrid
The Patio Tomato that Keeps Bearing All Season Long! The habit is determinate,
but the fruit production is ongoing! Here we go -- a fabulous new cherry tomato
compact enough to grow in containers on the patio or back porch, with a
determinate habit (meaning that it stops growing once it sets fruit) BUT an
indeterminate fruit production (meaning that those new tomatoes just keep
setting all season long!) Talk about the best of every situation: it's compact,
it's heavy-bearing, and by the way, it's delicious! Sweet 'n' Neat Scarlet
Improved reaches just 10 to 12 inches high, but sets lots and lots of flowers
and fruit on its well-branched habit. The little cherries are about ¾- to
1-ounce, arising in huge clumps like grapes! They will continue as long as the
warm summer weather holds out, so get ready for a bumper crop! Grow Sweet 'n'
Neat Scarlet Improved just as you would any other Tomato, but don't worry about
root nematodes and other pests of the soil! You can just pop this plant into a
container and be done with it! A great choice for small space gardens, urban
balconies, and any other bright sunny setting, Sweet 'n Neat Scarlet Improved is
well-branched and vigorously productive. Now, you WILL have to stake it, because
it intends to set heavy loads of fruit for weeks and weeks and weeks!


Black Krim

Days: 69-80
Size: Indeterminate
Color: Red
Season: Mid-Season
Type: Hybrid
Bigger Yields and Even Meatier Flavor! Higher yields over a longer season!
Indeterminate. This successor to the original Whopper is simply the home
gardener's dream tomato: greater disease resistance, higher yields, a longer
season, and better taste! These big, juicy, crack-resistant tomatoes, 4 inches
or more across, ripen uniformly (even when the weather is overcast!) and finish
5 days sooner than the old Whopper. Then they keep right on coming in huge
quantities until frost -- none of your smaller, greener end-of-season fruits
here! And because they're meatier, you get even more succulent tomato flavor in
every slice!

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